Saturday, December 22, 2007

Goddess of Sloth

It's 6:13 PM and I'd gladly curl up on the sofa and sleep if I thought I'd sleep later at the normal time. I already took a nap around 3-ish. I have to drag this old body off the sofa to start o the Thai curry for dinner. I purposefully bought basil days ago for this. And eggplant. Now all I have to do is defrost the chicken. Oh Goddess, why do you follow me around?
I suppose I should be grateful for the things I got done today:
1. Tree up and decorated
2. Crap removed from living room
3. A dent made in the Saturday laundry - well, at least a start.
3. Remaining presents wrapped

There's no delaying it any longer - hi ho, hi ho, it's off to defrost I go...

Friday, December 21, 2007

Where's my blog?

I suppose the first thing I have to do is write down my blog address or at least be able to find it when I want. How funny is that? I start a blog and then I can't find it?If I can't find it, does that mean I have an excuse for not writing today?
I googled what I thought was my blog name and it appears there are a million or so of us McDermotts out there blogging away. I didn't actually read any of the other McDermott's blogs for fear of undue influence or whatever.
I showed up today. That's all I can ask of myself. I showed up...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Holy Cow!

I am actually doing it. I'm actually blogging. It isin't even the New Year. Seeing as I'm too lazy to get up on Friday mornings to attend group writing, I've decided I'll make a start here. Who knows what drivel will fall from my lips or, should I say, squeeze from my fingertips, I'm going to write...