Tuesday, October 7, 2008

- fitness!

The fitness studio is only a few blocks from my office. Do you think I remember the complete name for this studio? Not on your life! This information disappeared through the holes in the colander I have for a brain in a matter of a few minutes or a 100 yards. Take your pick.

It would appear that I have more than my physical fitness to squawk about. The upside is that I worked up something of a sweat and that I actually got off my cherubic behind to take my daily constitutional. One has to strike while one is up to it. One never knows what's around the corner with this body of mine. It's a behemoth task.

On my walk, I saw purple salvia straining their necks for sunlight, a freshly painted house whose front door position had been obviously altered to appease the Feng Shui gods and, a smiling pit bull straining the leash, and consequently the arm of it's teenaged master.

Across the street, a lady on the wrong side of 50 did battle with the sidewalk. Another office drone like myself, her tennies matched her suit. There's a State building a couple of blocks away and their majestic walkers can be identified by the ID tags hanging from their necks. Usually, I encounter them in droves of three or so, and I have to walk on the road to get around them for there is power in numbers; I have yet to see them yield to the single pedestrian. Maybe i should stick out my elbows when I walk, like Oprah...

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