Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Miss Havisham revisited

I only just caught her out of the side of my eye as I drove past her apartment building. She was watering the grass with a hose. One hand on her hip, the other directing the flow of water on to the parched grass near the street. It was high noon, a redundant time of the day to be watering; at least 85F. A tall elderly lady, she wore a pink floor-length dressing gown, the top half embroidered with colorful flowers. It was the makeup that made me do a double take. A foundation color on her face much darker than the natural color of her neck, cheeks rouged a la Baby Jane, and lips to match. Her hair was swept up in an up-do.
The poor thing, she probably spent hours on her appearance to venture outside. Most likely she lives alone and has little contact with the outside world. I bet she doesn't even have a cat.
Just a flash of garish pink in a bad part of town as I drove by.

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