Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A brain divided

It is humbling to realise that one can no longer multi-task as in the days of yore. All I had to do was prepare Sunday brunch for 7 adults. Sure there were more than a couple of dishes and I did have to keep an eye on the BBQ as well as the oven. In the olden days I could have done it, all the while nursing a babby from my titty and doing a load of laundry. Not anymore.
I stepped away from the kitchen for 'just a minute' and, upon my return, I was greeted with the shrill beep of the smoke alarm. My frittata was fried alright. Burned to a cinder under the broiler. To add insult to injury, I burned two fingers trying to remove the cremated offerings from the oven.
The thing is that I found it all kind of amusing. I left the burnt stuff on the serving platter on the counter for all to see. In another time, I would have sat myself down on the bathroom floor and wailed, not so much at the loss of frittata but at the loss of self. It's coming up to my ten year anniversary of the car accident that did my head in. I guess time does heal.

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