Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just call me Igor

Yesterday, a part of my desk that is not 'securely fastened' fell on my bare foot. I was on the phone at the time so I had to stifle my scream. There was a bloody abrasion on the top of my foot. I'm sure that area has a particular name, I just don't know what it is.
I walked around the office like Igor in Young Frankenstein for the rest of the day.
Today is another matter. I can't put the bloody thing on the floor. It won't bear my weight. I have resorted to hopping on my left and then balancing by putting my right heel on the ground. It's a bit tricky and were it not for the current purplish color of the darn thing I wouldn't have made a doctor's appointment for this evening. All expeditions away from my desk have been cut to the minimum. I've had my lunch delivered to my desk, my green tea heated up. I am a lazy git! My tummy is swelling up from inactivity. I'll probably gain a few pounds from lack of exercise.

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